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Elongated Soft Palate

Pug Dog Elongated Soft Palate 

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This is a condition seen with Pugs involving the palate which is a flap of tissue located at the back of the throat. Because Pugs have compressed internal passages, the palate is often too large, comparatively speaking, and therefore partially blocks the entrance to the trachea (windpipe). This means that as a Pug inhales and exhales, the air cannot flow freely as it would otherwise. 

Occurrence Rate

25+% of Pugs have elongated palate to some extent, though the number that have this severe enough to warrant veterinary intervention is much lower.

Age of Onset

Elongated soft palate is a congenital issue, meaning that it is present at birth and symptoms may not always be noticeable right away but may worsen over a number of years as a Pug matures. 


Signs include one or more of the following: 
  • Newborn pups dribbling milk from the nose
  • Noisy breathing, especially when drawing in air. 
  • Excessive panting most noticeable during physical activity 
  • Trouble eating (gagging on or regurgitating food)
  • Snoring; this may vary depending on a Pug’s positioning when sleeping. 
  • Exercise intolerance; a Pug may tire out quickly and/or struggle to catch their breath during physical activity. 
  • Cyanosis (this is a blue appearance of the gums due to lack of oxygen) is seen in severe cases.
  • Fainting is seen in severe cases. 
  • Internal pressure can cause ligaments in the larynx to stretch to the point of collapse. This is an extremely serious and often fatal condition. 

How this is Diagnosed

If a veterinarian believes that he can safely inspect the back of a dog’s mouth, he will attempt to do so. However, if a dog seems overly nervous or excited right before or during an attempted visual exam, this can lead to worsening breathing issues and will require the dog to be sedated for an endoscopy (a flexible tube with an attached light and camera is inserted into the mouth to view the area). 

In addition, tests may include a complete blood count and biochemistry, arterial blood gas (ABG) to measure acidity (pH) and levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, and x-rays to look for any tracheal issues. 

Treatment, Non-Surgical

In minor cases, making these changes can help:

1. Immediate discontinuation of a collar. When on leash, collars put pressure and strain on the neck and breathing passages, so this type of accessory will never be placed on a Pug and a harness will be used instead. Note that harnesses are always recommended at any rate to help prevent breathing issues which are common with this breed. 
2. Limit over-excitement. A new approach should be taken in regard to anything that may excite a Pug such as meeting other dogs, greeting visitors to the home, or being given a new toy. Introductions should be done gradually and exposure to certain elements should be handled in a relaxed, low-key manner. 

3. Avoidance of exercise during hot, humid weather; follow exercise restrictions year-round. During the summer, outdoor activity will be limited and year-round regular exercise should be timed to 20 minutes and under with breaks given, to help prevent a Pug from overexerting themselves. 
4. Better sleeping positions that allow the neck to stretch, via a bolstered bed and/or pillows.

5. Careful monitoring and regular checkups are important since this condition can worsen over time. 

Treatment, Surgical


When elongated palate is severe enough that a Pug's breathing distress interferes with quality of life, surgery is recommended. And, when considering surgery, it is important to remember that this condition often worsens as a dog grows older, including the risk of ligaments in the larynx stretching to the point of collapse. 

Though most veterinarians don’t want to wait too long, surgery is typically held off until at least the 1-year mark when at all possible. This is because if surgery is performed while a Pug is still growing, and therefore the palate is also still growing in size, the procedure may need to be repeated in the future. 

Surgical correction involves shortening the palate, and for some dogs, tonsils will be removed at the same time. Laser surgery is the most common method to do this; it cauterizes as it cuts, which keeps bleeding and inflammation to a minimum and shortens recovery time over other methods.


Prognosis for Pugs have surgery for elongated soft palate varies depending on the extent of the condition. Those with moderate cases have the best chance of successful treatment and those with very extensive cases may have a poor prognosis. 


Pain and swelling are most severe the first few days and then gets gradually better. A dog will be put on a soft-food diet such as rice or sweet potato with minced pieces of chicken for at least two weeks. Anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotics will be given and pain medication will be given as needed. Healing time varies but typically is between 2 to 3 weeks.

Note: If a Pug has both stenotic nares and elongated soft palate and these conditions are severe enough to cause difficulty breathing, surgery is almost always the answer.
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